Home / Programmes / REACH & BEYOND

What is it?

Who’s it for?
Participants build on existing strengths and discover new and talents. They will develop a wealth of personal skills to support positive educational pathways, form robust friendships and social connections, and improve their general health and wellbeing over the long term.

Nana, Rebecca and Duayne created an uplifting and inspiring environment allowing students to thrive in their safe space to produce an absolutely amazing show on performance night.
The year 8's who committed to the drama workshops have shown a huge development in their confidence, self esteem and aspirations. Over the last few months not only have they used their own time to attend each session they were engaged and enthusiastic each week about their sessions on Wednesday.
We would love to have you back again for another group
Laurel Park School, Enfield, London
The enthusiasm and expertise displayed by Nana, Duayne, and Rebecca were truly commendable. Their dedication to providing an enriching experience for our students were evident throughout the sessions. The feedback from the students has been overwhelmingly positive, and they are eagerly anticipating the next session on Friday.
Once again, thank you for arranging such a wonderful opportunity for our students.
Our programme in 2024

The past 4 years have been a challenge for all young people, particularly those who were already experiencing difficulties in their home and school lives before COVID lockdown. Since returning to education so many of our young have missed out on valuable time in school not solely though missing out on their studies but on invaluable socialising & mixing with both their peers and adults outside of the family unit. This is why our work with the Reach programme in partnership with the Borough of Enfield was so important. Participants were able to explore the added anxieties and stresses caused by the lockdown through the creative activities offered by the programme, and rebuild their resilience, before re-entering mainstream education.
We have since developed the programme working in schools with groups of up to 16 young people many of whom have been identified as being at risk of exclusion, under attaining & generally ‘hard to reach’. We work after school hours on a weekly basis for a term culminating in a showcase for friends, family and the wider school community.
The testimonials above demonstrate the value of our work, sometimes the smallest interventionis can turn a young person’s life around & our team are truly gifted in the way they are able to identify and engage with students. All programmes are tailored around individual groups.
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