Role Model Awards
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What is it?
The RWF Role Model Awards were introduced for the first time in 2011 to recognise and encourage outstanding young people who have been making a positive contribution at school, or within their community, organisation or home. A panel of judges reviews the submissions and presents prizes at the annual iSDA event.

Who’s it for?
Young people from anywhere in the country are asked to nominate individuals aged 11-24 from amongst their peers who are role models. Anyone can make a nomination, and the contributions of their nominee can take any form. Even the smallest acts can make a huge difference; it might be that they’ve spoken up, started something new, or shown great passion and kindness.
According to Rudolph: “Too much media exposure is given to leaders of gangs or the person who picks up a gun, commits crimes, and gains notoriety. Very little exposure is given to our role models, those who are doing something positive within their school or community!’” These awards shine a light on the vast numbers of young people making a positive contribution to society, and enable a number of exceptional contributors to be celebrated.

"A champion is someone who gets up even when they can’t."
Jack Dempsey
Get Involved

If you know a young person who deserves to be recognised through the Role Model Awards, particularly through their actions during the pandemic, or you would generally like to find out more, please use the contact form below.