Rudolph Walker CBE
At 80 + years, so my story will be pretty long! I bring my personal experiences along with the personal knowledge that allowing oneself to be creatively expressional can help mend many bridges. Presently, I’m living, loving and challenging life. I ask you all do to do the same, keep putting one foot in front of the other, walk, talk to each other with pride, kindness and dignity – Perseverance Wins!
Born on the Caribbean twin islands of Trinidad & Tobago, the eldest of three and the only son of a very strict mother, Rudolph shouldered the responsibilities of manhood much earlier than most and developed a strong sense of duty and ambition to succeed. Discovering his passion for the stage at the age of just 8, he left the islands for the U.K. at the age of 20, in 1960, where he strived relentlessly to develop his talents, break through the barriers that stand in the way of black actors, and forge a path which others can follow.